Once food that will help strengthen bones

Once food that will help strengthen bones
Calcium and vitamin D. These are the nutrients we need to keep our bones healthy. The first strengthens the bone structure and teeth, and the second enhances calcium absorption and bone growth.

Milk is the most traditional source of calcium. We know that consumption is very important in the early years of life to ensure proper development and growth, but that does not mean past adolescence should stop taking: Calcium and vitamin D help us prevent diseases like osteoporosis.

According to an article on Health.com, adults up to age 50 should consume a thousand milligrams of calcium and 200 units of vitamin D daily. While those who have already surpassed the five decades need 1,200 milligrams of calcium and 400 to 600 units of vitamin D.

Then, eleven foods that provide these nutrients.


While 227 ml of skim milk contains 90 calories, will provide 30% of the daily dose of calcium required. "Can not get to sip three glasses a day? Try drinking milk shakes and sauces, "recommends website specializing in health.

"A cup of yogurt can be a way to get creamed your daily dose of calcium," the article said. In addition, this milk product is fortified with vitamin D.

A note important: Greek yogurt is rich in vitamins, but tends to have less calcium and vitamin D almost nothing

You only need about 42.5 grams, for example, cheddar cheese for one third of the calcium you need during the day. With this input, moderation is the key. On vitamin D, cheeses have it but in insignificant amounts.


Sardines are rich in vitamin D and calcium. "Although his appearance may be odd, are tasty and are delicious in salads and pastas."

About 85 grams of red salmon have enough vitamin D for the day. And do not forget that this fish is also a very good source of Omega 3. We have two reasons to include in our diet, yes or yes.

Did you know that 85 grams of canned tuna has 154 units of vitamin D? So, about 39% of what you need daily.

Spinach is an excellent source of calcium for those who do not like dairy products. "A cup of cooked spinach contains about 25% of the calcium you need each day, plus fiber, iron and vitamin A".

Like spinach, a cup of this vegetable has more than 25% of the calcium you need during the day.

The eggs have only 6% of the amount of vitamin D you need a day, but it is a very easy and fast way to get it. "Do not opt ​​for egg whites, may have fewer calories, but vitamin D is in the yolk," says the article.

Some cereals, such as grain with raisins and nuts and whole grains have up to a quarter of what our body requires daily of vitamin D.

If we talk about a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice will not find either calcium or vitamin D we are looking for, but in the juices fortified themselves in the market.

In addition, says the website, studies have shown that ascorbic acid orange juice can increase the absorption of calcium from the body.

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