As Gaining weight the healthy way

As Gaining weight the healthy way. Just as there are people who want some extra kilos baar, there are some who need to recover or gain those extra pounds, however there are several ways to do it, but be careful because there are some diets that are very harmful to health. in soloparachikas gives you a diet that will help you to gain weight healthy marena. As Gaining weight the healthy way

You need to eat more, but appropriately with a diet that includes protein and more carbohydrates. You can follow your diet with an exercise program.
When it comes to weight, most people seek to reduce those extra kilos, but the other extreme are those who need to gain weight and do it healthily, it can not meet their nutritional needs and weigh less than recommended for their age.

For nutritionist Faviola Ramos Jiménez, director of the Peruvian Network for Food and Nutrition R-PAN, the reasons why a person has difficulty gaining weight are large, so only a specialist should be directed the right way, healthy, caring proper balance of all components of the body.

Each person has individual nutritional requirements vary depending on factors such as age, sex, diet and physical activity. For example, men have more water and muscle mass as opposed to women who have more fat and less muscle.

The gain in muscle mass requires above all a proper balance of nutrients, we can not exclude any of the macronutrients (carbohydrates, fats and proteins) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals), says the expert.

Jimenez added that it takes quality protein include meats, dairy products like milk, cheese, yogurt and eggs. These foods need a good balance of food energy, as muscle formation requires an adequate amount of energy from fat and carbohydrates.

Also, "will need to include fruits and vegetables, powerful sources of antioxidants and bioactive substances."

The important thing is to gain muscle mass in a gradual and orderly. "Scientific studies show that the ideal is to win ¼ kilo of muscle mass per week provided under the guidance of an endocrinologist," he says.

"The use of vitamin supplements is increasing among those who practice some form of physical activity in an attempt to gain weight, muscle mass and increased strength in a short time. However, these are designed to
dietary supplement, not replace, "said Cecilia Solis Clinic endocrinologist Javier Prado

"The energy and nutrient requirements can be obtained by proper selection of foods, including whole grains, fruits, vegetables, meat and dairy products," he says.

"Studies show that consumption of these supplements for over eight months does not improve physical performance, but may be recommended for athletes with a low-calorie diet for weight control," he advises.

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