What types of orthodontic treatments are available?

What types of orthodontic treatments are available?. The smile is the cause of happiness What do you expect to begin orthodontic treatment that leaves your teeth perfect? No, it is not something for children or adolescents. The options market offers invisible to smile and be happy at all ages. And we'll only chikas which are:
In recent years, dentists aware of the phenomenon of orthodontics for adults. While their reasons are several, we may venture to say that there are at least two that are of utmost importance. One is that the current market offers devices that are not noticeable, and on the other side is for health and beauty, is the need to take care to look well beyond age.

Also, orthodontics, in any of the treatments, it is a method that requires no invasion or surgery.

In the field of aesthetic orthodontics, there are two invisible forms.

Lingual: Developed for over 30 years, is a cosmetic treatment that involves placing dental braces all but the inner side of the teeth, leaving free the visible surfaces. It is very convenient because each bracket is made to fit each tooth, an alloy of gold-silver-iridium fully polished with no sharp edges.

The patient may speak perfectly from the second or third week of placement, while there are cases that perfectly pronounced after 1 or 2 days.

Disadvantages: can be peeled off a bracket, or move the bow and make small sores on the tongue. Furthermore, being a mobile element, which allows red and remove it, you must be responsible and consistent in its use, and remember that the aligners must be 22 hours a day to get the desired results.

Invisible Aligners: These are bags or clear plastic splints that fit over the teeth and cause tooth movement to achieve the desired position without using bracketts or wires. The plastic aligners and does not stain because it degrades every 2 weeks are replaced by a new model.
Being removable, allowing the patient to remove them at certain times, and can be used to treat most orthodontic problems from crowded teeth to those separated, to more complex diseases such as overbites, open bites and even cross. In fact, an orthodontist can give solution to almost any treatment using only the clear aligners or in combination with ancillary techniques.

Both systems are effective and unobtrusive, choose which to start treatment will depend on your personality and opinion of your dentist.

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