How do the Diet Fruit Juice?

How do the Diet Fruit Juice?. It's easy to do just follow the advice given below:

One week before starting the diet, drink juice of any of the fruits listed, or a concentrate of all of them at dinner. This will be useful to prepare the body to not feel the effects of the regime.

From the first day you should eat five cups of pineapple juice, papaya and tamarind, divided into five equal doses of 250 milliliters each.

1 cup fruit juice at breakfast, other diluted in a pint of water (for consumption throughout the morning), one more in the food, a snack and dinner.

At the conclusion of the diet of fruit juices, you must restart your diet to soft products to not force the digestive process. You can include vegetables and cooked chicken and little fat, and so on.

It is important to maintain their consumption of fruit juices in your diet for a month, so your body recovers its normal operation.

It bears repeating the diet of fruit juice three months after it ended.


During the diet of fruit juices are recommended to take supplements rich in vitamins B and C and drink two liters of water daily, preferably mineral water.

The diet of fruit juice provides the body with fiber, amino acids, minerals and carbohydrates. However, lack of protein can cause weakness and nervous disorders, why should not last longer than three days.

Take the diet of fruit juices on a regular basis is risky, can lead to severe anemia and nutritional deficiencies.

To maintain optimum performance and lasting physical exercise is recommended and forget the sweets, refined flours, alcohol and fatty meats. You also need to limit dairy products, except panela cheese and yogurt.

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